We can save you tons of cash by doing onboarding. right

When you onboard new employees the right way, they stick around longer and work harder — which means you get more bang for your buck. Trust us, it's worth the effort!
Remember those first day jitters?
"....Up to 20% of employee turnover happens in the first 45 days, 69% of employees are more likely to stay with a company for three years if they experience a great onboarding process."

Our onboarding chatbot assists with .various organizational issues during the onboarding process

Professional onboarding
  • New workspace
  • Paperwork and documentation
  • Orientation
  • IT and security setup
  • Benefits enrollment
  • Job-specific trainings
  • Policies and procedures
  • Tools and resources
  • Performance expectations
  • Introductions
  • Networking opportunities
  • Socialization events
  • Team-building activities

The newbie talks to both a "digital mentor" and .real coworkers. on the chat

  • Individual status
  • Group Status
  • Process supervision
  • Professional Supervision
  • Social Supervision
  • Availability
  • Feedback discussing
  • Support from other new hires
  • Sharing feelings
  • Professional support
  • Social circles
Have you tried how it works yet?

Want to get an onboarding chatbot for your company .in just 4 weeks?. Here's how we can make it happen:

1) Best practice
We've checked out hundreds of onboarding programs, so let's use them as our starting point!
2) Goal setting
Let's chat about how you currently bring new folks on board, and what your future goals are
3) Content development
Share with us any existing materials, files, or feedback you may have from your employees
4) Test version
We'll create a chatbot script, design concept, and KPIs. Once we get your input and feedback, we'll finalize the chatbot and dashboard for you
Wanna check it out in action?
MS Teams
Our chatbots are hooked up with the platforms where employees hang out most. That means they'll be super efficient!