Yeah, .HR folks. can get pretty ticked off by this
completion rates for corporate online learning courses in LMSs
Why are the completion rates for corporate online learning course in LMSs so low?

Botiqo can increase completion rates up to

From 50% to 85%. Not bad, huh?
4 reasons for such a fantastic result
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*— no registration needed

We are very personalized and naughty in communication with employees


We make complex content simple, fun and adaptable


We conduct training through employees' favorite messengers


We know how to motivate to study)) We have a couple of secrets

What courses can be done on the Botiqo platform?

Courses developed by external experts and translated into a chatbot format
"Turnkey" courses
Workplace compliance trainings
Anti-harassment, safety, data privacy and other "mandatory" tranings
Special professional training
Trainings are developed jointly with the specialists of the customer's company
People skills training
Developing interpersonal skills: communication, teamwork, problem-solving and others

Botiqo can save .up to 75%. of the cost of corporate trainers by taking on some of their routine work

Botiqo can save up to 75% of the cost. of corporate trainers by taking on some of their routine work

Would you like to learn more about how we solve the problems of standard corporate online learning?

Gamification (points, badges, applause)
Regular feedback
Conversational dialogue with a chatbot
Lack of learner engagement
Limited Interaction
Constant interaction with the employee
Uses of humor in dialogs with a chatbot
Participation in training of other employees, boss, HR
Lack of personalization
Content adaptation for each employee
The content format is selected by the employee
Different Communication Styles between employee and chatbot
Poor course design
Structured courses in micro-learning format
Diverse form of content: text, audio, video, quizzes
Wide use of case studies
Busy work schedules
Possibility of training on the way to/from work
Opportunity to return to the studied material
Relevance of the material to the situation at work
Problems in delivery
Training on personal devices (smartphones) of employees
Training in familiar messengers
Smart system of reminders and motivation to participate
Have you tried how it works yet?
Wanna check it out in action?
MS Teams
Our chatbots are hooked up with the platforms where employees hang out most. That means they'll be super efficient!